System properties
The module supports doctors, nurses day-to-day activities - medical records maintenance, therapeutic treatment and drugs prescription, laboratory orders and other treatments. It satisfies needs of physiotherapists as well by offering therapeutic treatment timing based on doctors requirements, treatments characteristics (treatment flow, contraindication) and other parameters.
Doctor and Physiotherapist
The module supports doctors and nurses´ work activities. It secures a complete medical record maintenance (anamnesis, medication, treatment course, admittance, check-out report etc.), Client support's personal records, usage of standard codebooks (diagnoses, indications, performances, medicaments- AISLP), prescription of therapeutic programs using standard treatment sets or individual programs based on client's needs. Complementary modules enable system connection to treatment timings, laboratories, pharmaceutical stock or diet nurse's agenda. In case of client's recurrent stays there is a medical record archive at disposal. For head doctors, the system offers an option to observe and evaluate quantity and costs of prescribed treatment, check-ups and pharmaceuticals. The same applies to performances of doctors measured by working hours spent directly with clients.
Client supports
- Client's hotel cards.
- Walk-in type client's cards.
- Non-resident client's cards.
- Separate processing of personal and medical records.
Medical Records Maintenance
- Medical records maintenance covering anamnesis, medication, diagnosis, treatment course, check-ups.
- User-defined appearance based on patterns.
- Possibility to insert pictures, tables and other functions as in commonly used text editors.
- Possibility to insert predefined texts or diseases codes from codebooks.
- Transfer of data from other program parts into a documentation- client's personal details, treatment, diets, performances, laboratory results etc.
- Medical records in foreign languages support.

- Laboratory test request.
- Information about preliminary results.
- Fast prescription using sets of tests.
- Connection to Front Office.
- Optional connection to external PMS.
- Connection to Wellness modules.

Prescription of therapeutic treatment and programs
- Prescription based on number and cycle of prescribed treatment considering available capacities of physiotherapists.
- Direct communication with Treatment Timing Module - instant changes transfer of prescribed or timed treatment.
- Information about numbers and prices of prescribed treatment.
- Fast treatment prescription using pre- prepared sets.
Drugs Prescription
- Applications for drugs release.
- Automatic transfer to write-off stocks.
- Information about stock prices and availability.
Planning Calendar
- Individual work schedule prepared by doctor.
- Option to use working week patterns.
- Planning of specific tasks - arrivals, departures, visits, check-ups.
- Task's delegation performed by managers.
Treatment Timing
The system to control physiotherapeutic department operational activities supporting an effective utilization of available resources (physiotherapists, space, equipment). Working closely with other sub-modules of Medical Module, Procedure Timing allows to create treatment program for individual clients or groups and suggests its timing, considering contraindications and other parameters. Using a specific algorithm system provides treatment timing proposal within few seconds based on treatment prescription and available resources. Algorithm performs check of working hours, treatment flow, contraindications and many other parameters to be considered. Procedure Timing also offers more than 150 managerial reports and graphical outputs.
Client support
- Client's hotel card.
- Non-resident client's medical records.
Treatment Timing
- Graphical interpretation of treatment timing.
- Fully automatic timing based and prescribed treatment and available physio therapeutical resources.
- Manual timing option.
- Treatment date modification using drag&drop.
- Treatment timing later modification.
- Treatment allocation into free time gaps.
- Capacity based timing.
- Timing considering relatives (family, children...).
- Timing considering contraindication, time groups disable clients, client's sex, treatment flow and connection and others.
- Resources blocking.
- Monitoring of treatment delivered versus prescribed.
- Various possibilities of treatment timing graphical presentation and print outs.
- Connection to Front Office.
- Optional connection to external PMS.
- Connection to Wellness modules.

Treatment prescription
- Direct communication with Doctor sub-module.
- Fast prescription of treatment using pre-defined sets.
- Distinguish between treatment paid from health insurance and paid extra.
- Work with substitutional treatment.
Treatment graphical visualization
- Graphical presentation of sold and scheduled to client treatment.
- Automatic and manual treatment timing available.
- Treatment cancelation option.
Reports and statistics
- Various forms of utilization statistics available.
- Summary of canceled treatment and treatment over the limit.
- Print outs of physiotherapists and rooms schedule.
- Print outs of available resources.
- Additional more than 50 reports.
The module is designed either to support laboratories being a part of a spa organization or to serve as an interface to external facilities. It enables a complete laboratory tests administration starting from test request, its processing up to a delivery of results back to an appropriate system. There is a connection available between Doctor and the Laboratory Modules as well as a connection to laboratory devices (having appropriate interface).

Pharmaceutical Stock
The module is designed to support information about sanitary material moves. It supports activities of head nurses and other medical staff. The module enables to get information from the main (central) stock and individual buffer stocks (consulting rooms, floors), a complete administration of orders and delivery from suppliers. It provides a simple and neat form of pharmaceutical distribution from a central stock to individual departments or consulting rooms.
Pharmaceutical supplies can be released from buffer stock for consumption or to specific clients - this system enables to observe costs of a client's treatment. The system of requests and follow-up releases enables management and monitoring of pharmaceutical stock moves between individual departments within the organization. There is also an option available to organization perform regular inventories and a report detailing pharmaceutical stock moves - receipt, release, consumption by purpose.